Well we have had three successful days of fourth grade! We usually don't have a four day first week but it's worked out ok;) like I had a choice lol!
This week has really been a blur starting with Sunday morning when I got the phone call that my sister was in labor and then I spent the entire day at the hospital waiting for a precious little baby girl to be born! She made her entrance at 11:14 p.m and I was at the hospital until after 1... Monday was a non-contract day for me but of course I had to go in to do a few last minute things...(like make copies and do a few lesson plans) cause that's how I roll....but then the kiddos and I made a mad dash to the hospital so they could see their new sweet cousin;)
School started Tuesday...I have a class of 21 (I had 27 last year!) 8 boys (17 last year) and 13 girls. So far I think my new little group is quite adorable.... Hope things stay that way;)
I'm excited about all the possibilities this year holds... I am self contained and really wanting to shake my reading instruction up this year. I've read all the books from Debbie Diller to The Sisters to The Book Whisperer....please tell me what works best for your reading instruction....
Have a great Friday!