Here are some more before pics....and some after pics!!!!
Here is the North wall of my classroom that I moved into this past summer. The "whiteboard" aka shower board covering old chalkboards, hanging behind my ONLY computer area and with my smart board DRILLED into the "whiteboard". I asked for this to be removed... and this is what was left....
Yikes! Thankfully Mr. Ille came and scraped all that nasty dried putty stuff off the wall, so I could paint...I chose Grey Owl by Benjamin Moore and my school paid for the paint...I supplied the labor. This wall is the only grey wall....the other three are painted pure white...again my school paid for the paint and I put in the work. :)
Here is the area afterwards...
Simon takes his place on the focus wall...along with his new speech bubble I cut out from the salvaged whiteboard....I used my jigsaw and some liquid nails and hot glue and viola...Simon can SAY all he wants....
This bulletin board was drilled on top of another whiteboard and smaller bulletin board on my East wall. I pretty pleased asked our head of maintenance to move this one too...
Love these poms and the punch of color it adds to my smart board also hides some holes that were left behind from the old boards...
My computer area is by the door, but I bought the Ikea stools so they can slide under the table and not be too in the way... I also switched the computer desks out for this table...visually I didn't think it took up too much room...
This cute little block was an idea my mom found through Pinterest.... we both made one for our classrooms this summer....I turn it on during our Independent Reading time. I bought the block and the light bulb clip at Hobby Lobby. I purchased the vinyl from an Etsy shop...
I didn't get a before pic of this area, but imagine under the blinds that are hanging now are those ugly glass blocks that people used in showers and bathroom windows in the 80's maybe...well those are in all the windows in my building....I covered them with 8 crisp white 2 inch faux wood blinds from the great JC Penney sale!!! Woot woot! The blinds end where the blocks end and my AMAZING momma sewed the cute little curtains....this is my West wall, so it gets lots of HOT sun....I haven't been in a room with this many windows since I taught in Wichita Falls....I love it!
So this is what I my room looked like once it was down to just 2nd grade material being left behind.
My mom once again came and helped me unload those bookshelves...we also carried them out of the room...that table is the new computer table....the built in cabinet (with orange and yellow bulletin board paper) I tore out (bolt by bolt) until I couldn't loosen anymore bolts and my sweet husband came and helped me finish demo it...the tv was removed and the VCR!
Tada.....this is what I was left with.....eek!
CRISP WHITE PAINT changes everything!!!
The best thing about my room is this SOUTH wall because of these FABULOUS shelves our head of maintenance Harry Grider (who is also my husband's uncle) built and installed for me. I stained them Early American by Minwax...and I LOVE THEM!!!!!
This is the view of my room looking in from the door....
Up close shots of my shelves... The middle jar has glue sticks in it now....
Up close shots of my shelves... The middle jar has glue sticks in it now....
I redid my chair I bought a few years ago at a garage sale....and scotch guarded the tar out of it!
My teacher desk area.... again LOVE my shelves.... totally just makes me smile every single day!

My East library area (still a work in progress) and my calendar...I use a smartboard calendar program, so this board will be for information and announcements...the ten frames we are adding stickers to each day of school...seasonal stickers to make it fun! The fun numbers and alphabet are great TpT finds... (I'll come back and link stores later). The calendar banner is from TheAmyGroesbeck.... I added the pom pom trim and LOVE it.
My room is small... I didn't have room for a mailbox system like I am use to using. This idea was floating around on Pinterest so I decided to make it work for me. The filing box I bought at Wal-mart along with hanging folders. I made the sign, laminated it and taped it on. It worked like a charm the first week of school and doesn't take up too much space. I also added manila folders into each hanging file for each student...I can slip work samples, copies of work etc. and have it at my fingertips for IEP's, parent conferences, and to pass on next year.
This is my first year in 2nd grade....I am sure changes will be made but this is how my world looks right now! Thanks for checking it out!
Your Class room has nice arrangement. it's looking good.I like your class room. woodworkingbuddy